Saturday, February 16, 2008

Day Thirty-Three

Increasing my work hours by 20 hours and increasing my cardio 80 minutes in the same week was not so smart. It is really tough to go from working 35-40 hours a week to 56 right off the bat, and increasing cardio from 120 minutes to 200 made it even harder. So this week I did meet my work requirement (which is obviously more important) but I did not meet my cardio goal. I got 140 minutes of cardio, one whole hour short. I had planned to work from 6:30am to 11am, go to the gym for two hours and then get ready for a matinee with a friend at 3:00. (Yes, I have made my first new friend!!!) But it didn't happen like that. I worked from 6:30 until 1:00, I didn't shower before work because I had planned to go the gym. So I had to go home and get ready for my movie, go to my movie (we saw Juno, so cute!!) When I got home from my movie, my super sweet hubby wanted to hang out with me so bad since I've been working like crazy and not been home much. So I skipped the gym entirely. Next week I'm restructing my day and going to the gym directly after work so I make sure to get it in before I go home to relax.